Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break

We are at the end of our wonderful spring break week.  I'm sad to see it go.  The first 3 days of break I was sick, so I tried to get the most out of the end of the week.  I organized my pantry, closet and intended to organize our hall closet, however that has yet to happen.  Oh well,  ya can't do it all you know?  On Thursday my mom and I took a quick trip to Dallas and back to do a little shopping, and Saturday night we celebrated my fabulous grandmother's 80th birthday.

Happy Palm Sunday ya'll!  I hope it warms up a bit in the next few days.  I'm ready to spring into Spring now... please and thank you!

Pretty Su-Su


With my grandfather- Dude

Su-Su with her kids.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oh hey there

Hey there Party Peeps. 

I've been away for a little while.  No reason really.... just not feeling like writing I guess. 

There's not much going on here.  A little bit of this:

And a whole lot of this:
We love to cuddle with our girl.
* please forgive the poor quality pics.  oops.