I have not written in a while, and the reason is- I have no reason. I was waiting for something good to say and while I still haven't come up with anything yet, I thought I couldn't desert my one follower (hey Jeffrey) for much longer. My hiatus from the blogging world has not actually been a legitimate hiatus as I have been reading some blogs as a sort of form of inspiration for my own little page. I've posted my faves for your reading pleasure.
Soooo... What have I been doing in my "time off"? Well a number of things.
Um- Working
Reading- Just finished "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. It's super good, and a fast read, however no one informed me that it was quite depressing. But duh, the title has the word "bones" in it and it's about dying so if that didn't give me a few hints... (Now all I have to do is see the movie! My goal was to finish the book before the movie came out, but alas.)
I also enjoyed a lovely Birthday/Valentines week during our "break". The details of which I won't describe here, however I will give you the course of events.
1. Dinner with the fam and Jeffrey on Wednesday at 501. (yummy)
2. Friend dinner on Thursday. I had the best time with my wonderful friends and ate the best homemade strawberry shortbread cake ever!
3. Friday, dinner with my amazing Valentine.
What a great week that was!
Coming down from the high of my birthday week and back to reality was hard, however currently I'm focusing my attention elsewhere.
To the daunting task of looking for the perfecto spring dress. I need a good one. Versatility is key as well as, well, cute-ness. My fave spring dresses can always be found at one of the most wonderful places on Earth referred to as Anthropologie. Some of my picks this year include:

Dawn til Dusk Dress: $458
Which one will I choose? Stay tuned.
BTW Happy Birthday to my realtor friend Gracie Lou. She's officially a 20-something. (Well, she could have been considered one last year, but whatev.)
The Lenton Season is currently upon us. What did I give up? Sweets... oh geeze. It's gonna be a hard one. ( I do this one every year, but for some reason this year seems particularly difficult) What did you all give up? I'm presuming at the moment that my readers are Catholic, but then again I'm presuming that I have readers...
I'm using my time this weekend to relax and get "stuff" done. I also need to catch up on some Oscar nom'd movies before the Academy Awards. My favorite of all the award shows all year. Possibly it's my Film and Video Studies background coming out (Ok, I only have a minor in it) but I LOVE watching the award movies each year before the show. Poor Jeffrey has to go with me if they're in theaters and for some reason isn't as thrilled about them as I am. I seem to always pick the most disturbing out of all of those nominated to watch in theaters. Last year it was Revolutionary Road, and The Changeling. Both amazing movies, yet quite disturbing.
Hmmm, What should I see this year?
I do have a lot of them to catch up on. So, currently I've only seen 3, yes count it, 3 movies up for best picture. Failure.
"Inglorius Basterds" = Awesome. However odd Tarantino's movies are, he is genius.
"Up"= I cried. That poor little old man.
"The Hurt Locker"= That man was crazy, but what a good job Jeremy Renner did!
On my "to see" list:
"Up in the Air"
"The Lovely Bones"
"The Blind Side"
Man, I'd better get to watchin' in the next two weeks!
If I remember, I'll let you know my progress.
Man, I guess I did end up having a lot to say!
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