Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween, Gameday, Zoo... Oh My!

We had a lot of fun this weekend at Casa de Vestring.  The weekend started off with a "Wonderland" themed Halloween Party.  Jeff went as the Mad Hatter, Ruby was the White Rabbit and I was Alice.  It was tons of fun.   The fun continued on Saturday with a tailgate in Norman.  We ended up getting tickets to the game and made it through a chilly 2 halves.  Things did not end well for our Sooners and we ended the night with a loss.  More bad news came when we found out that Jeff's favorite Thunder player was traded to The Rockets!  No more Beard in OKC.  WE. ARE. SAD.  Lets just say that's not how we like to end our Saturday nights.  We attempted to  recover from our shock on Sunday with a family brunch and by volunteering at "Haunt the Zoo".  We enjoyed passing out candy to all the little kiddies  (and Jeff may have enjoyed an M&M or two... or three).   Let me just tell you.... Woody is huge this year, along with Buzz and The Avengers. 

Happy Monday and here's to another pretty week in our neck of the woods, but we are praying for all those on the East Coast!  Keep those feets dry Sissy!


My Family (minus my sister)

My "little" brother

Stripe the Stadium

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday and Boomer Sooner.

We had a great Halloween Party last night and are off to Norman to watch OU beat Notre Dame!

Hope you and yours are having a Blessed Saturday!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happiness is...

Things that made me happy today...

1. The weather finally got cooler!
2. Seeing little girls wearing precious white tights with their school jumpers because of the weather change.
3. Celebrating Blessed Kateri becoming Saint Kateri at Mass today.
4. A sweet picture given to me by a cutie third grader
5. My Chai before class tonight

Happy Fall, I hope you had a happy day!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cute Website

My 8th grade classes this week have been working on Halloween stories using the website  This website allows it's users to make picture books by placing the work of certain artists in a template and putting words to their art. It's a very cute idea and my kids have had a really fun time with it!  I've had a fun time reading their stories.  The Storybird company can then make real books out of the stories that you make!  I think this is such a cool idea.  What a great idea for Christmas presents! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

We love... Love

Oh MY word, is it the weekend yet?  We are just coming off of a very busy weekend in the Vestring house.  A fun, but busy weekend.  We spent the weekend in Tulsa celebrating the wedding of our friends Erin and Connor.  You know, the Erin from this post.  We drove to Tulsa on Friday and I attended her Bridesmaid Brunch, helped decorate and then rehearsed for the Big Day!  Saturday was spent at the church getting ready for the evening ceremony.  I get a bit nervous with these things but the wedding was beautiful and went so smoothly.  Jeff was a groomsman, and it was very fun to be in a wedding together.  It's just wonderful to see your friends get married and say their vows after anxiously awaiting their wedding for months.  Erin's a dancing fool, so of course the reception was a blast!   We danced to Beyonce like she was going out of style (as if that could ever happen).   

Sunday, we continued to celebrate love with a Couples Shower for our friends Grace and Jeff.  We thought the day after Erin and Connor's wedding would be perfect because our friends were all together in the same town.  Because none of the hostesses lived in Tulsa, we opted to have the shower at a restaurant.  We made the shower a "tailgate" theme so that it went with the restaurant/bar venue.  Despite the stress and craziness of the weekend, the shower turned out pretty stinkin' cute (if I do say so myself).  Our friend Evan had such good ideas when it came to decorating and it all ended up looking prettttty awesome.  We can't wait to celebrate Jeff and Grace in just 3 short weeks! 

Now, on to planning a Halloween and tailgate for this weekend.   More on that later.... but here are some pics from this weekend.

Bridesmaids at the Bridesmaid Brunch

We were decorating fools!

The Bride

"Get Me Bodied, extended version must be played!"
Couples Shower

My Love

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday Words

Here's a good one!

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people"

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Man, this one makes you think doesn't it? 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bachelorette Bash

This weekend I had a bachelorette party.  This one was in Tulsa.  We spent the night bowling at The Dust Bowl.  Cute name huh?  Despite the fact that I'm awful at bowling...and I mean awwwwful, it was a really fun night!  I'm so excited Erin is getting married and can't wait for her fun wedding weekend on Saturday!

On Sunday we went on another fun bike ride.  It was gorgeous outside and we had an awesome time riding around my favorite neighborhoods and through downtown. 

Oh ya, and my Sooners won.   I mean realllly won.  What an awesome game to watch! 

Boomer Sooner and Happy Monday Dudes!

I loved the retro bowling alley look!  Erin even manually input our scores, just like the old days :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Some Friday Listening

Some Friday listening for you...

Sorry, I had to.  Boomer Sooner! Beat Texas!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Have you seen this yet?

My friend Erin told me about this commercial.  Have you guys seen it yet?  So adorable! 

I just love Halloween... and the new panorama option on the iphone! :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall Bike Rides

This summer my Grandparents had a garage sale.  I helped out a little bit (and tried to sell a few things of ours).  A few hours into the first day, my Grandfather wheeled out a bike from around the corner of the house.  My Grandmother said she was going to sell it unless I wanted it.  I said uh, yes please!  It's the perfect vintage bike!  I don't think my Grandmother rode it much, it's red, and I'm prrrrretty much obsessed with it...

I'm ashamed to say it didn't get much action this summer (I blame the heat) but tonight was a perfect night to ride it to dinner!  Jeff has his Dad's old road bike, so we make a funny little pair riding down the street.

Now, if only we can find a little basket so Ruby can ride along with us...kidding...kind of.


Monday, October 8, 2012

This weekend we...

This weekend we...
went to a bachelorette party (my friend Grace's)
went to a bachelor party (Jeff's friend Connor's)
didn't sleep much
then slept a lot
got lots done on Friday
then didn't get much done on Sunday
It was a wonderful weekend.

The pretty bride-to-be
The bride and her sister
The floor at St. Ann's
Didn't Grace's sister Hannah do the most wonderful job on the party decs?  Everything looked awesome!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Some Friday Listening...

I surprised my husband with the new Mumford album last week.  Not sure if he's been listening to it as much as I have.   This one is one of my favorites! 

Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dear Weather,

Dear Cool Fall Weather,

You've started getting a little crisper, but lets try a little harder okay?  I want to start wearing my cool biker jacket again.  It makes me feel kinda punk, kinda rocker...and I miss that feeling.   Please and thank you!

Your biggest fan

With sissy on our 25th birthday

Monday, October 1, 2012

Nerdy Excitement

When looking for websites to include in my 8th grade class's web search, I found a very neat website that I thought I would share with you.  For educators looking for interesting resources dealing with the upcoming election, the NY Times Learning Blog has some awesome ideas about how to encorporate the upcoming election into your lessons.  The blog shares a link to The Living Room Candidate which has a collection of old campaign ads and provides summaries on past elections. The site also gives statistics on the outcome of each election and provides a color coded map that represents how each state voted. 

I plan on using some of these fabulous ideas in my Computer Class for the older grades.  What a neat and different way to teach about the upcoming election, while also learning about the past!

Okay, okay I'll tame down the nerd level here... but seriously, you should check it out.