Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer's Over

Summer's Over.  At least for me it is...we started school today.  After working every day for about 2 weeks to get my classroom in order,  I was excited to begin the school year!  What a big adjustment though, to go from not having much of a schedule all summer to being at work all day.  I know you're saying, "hey! I do that every day". And I understand, I did it too.... until I discovered summer break again.  Glorious, magnificent, wonderful summer break.  :)

Here are some pics of my classroom.

Sent this to my husband, just in case he needed some confirmation of my awkwardness...

My new favorite sign.  Enough said.

Kids pull a card and each one tells them something different to do when they are done with their work.  Different levels for all my different grades.

Rewards system.  They put a marble in the jar when their class does a good job that day.
 8 jars for both sections of 1st- 4th grade.

My attempt at leopard print.

I'm ready to go wild about computers this year!

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