Saturday, September 29, 2012


Last night we celebrated Jeff's Grandfather's 80th Birthday.  His family had a surprise birthday party for him, and while we missed the surprise part of the party (it was in Wichita, so we were a little late getting there) it was still great to see everyone.  It was easy to tell that his Grandfather was very happy and thankful to see many family and friends. 
It's easy to gripe about getting older and I've even found myself thinking about my birthday in February with a little bit of dread (I'll no longer be in my "early twenties"!)  but I feel like the above quote really puts things into perspective.  Not everyone will be able to live until their 80th birthday, or even their 26th birthday, so we need to remember that each and every day we are given on this earth is truly a blessing.  Let's use them wisely!

With our Nephew Caleb, at the party

Silly boys
Even Ruby made the trip to Wichita  (I think she might need a haircut, don't you?!)

*  I apologize for the bad iphone pics.  We forgot the camera...again.

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